Onboarding of an newcomer decreases the efficiency of the whole team?

We have been there, and so have our clients

Territory is immersion into the IT landscape
of a major corporate enterprise within one month


We have created a platform for IT-specialists to adapt in the
shortest time possible and without the involvement of a mentor

1000 IT specialists

H2SOFT office includes over

per person
And cost about
It distracted more experienced employees from their work
But onboarding each
newcomer used to take
Analysis of over 5000 employees of our company
and our client’s company has shown the relevance
of this issue for the entire IT market

Onboarding of an newcomer
decreases the efficiency
of the whole team?

We have been there,
and so have our clients

Territory is immersion into the IT
landscape of a major corporate
enterprise within one month


We have created a platform for IT-specialists
to adapt in the shortest time possible
and without the involvement of a mentor

1000 IT specialists

H2SOFT office includes over

per person
And cost about
It distracted more experienced
employees from their work
But onboarding each
newcomer used to take
Analysis of over 5000
employees of our company
and our client’s company has
shown the relevance of this
issue for the entire IT market

The onboarding period impairs the efficiency of both sides

The onboarding period
impairs the efficiency
of both sides

Impossibility to consolidate
the learned material
withou a real-life case
Unfamiliar tools
Abundance of systems
and complex integration
among them
Fear of making
a mistake
Unsuccessful onboarting
requires repeting the full cycle
An employee’s strengths
can’t be revealed i
The price of a mistake
is too high
Experienced employees
are busy mentoring
Impossibility to consolidate the learned
material withou a real-life case
Fear of making a mistake

Unfamiliar tools

The price of a mistake is
too high
Abundance of systems and complex
integration among them
Unsuccessful onboarting requires
repeting the full cycle
Experienced employees are busy
An employee’s strengths can’t be
revealed i mmediatery

These companies entrust
their business to us

Project team

Arrange a system of quick
adaptation to the new complex IT
landscape for developers, to ease
their entry into the new project.
An MVP has been developed, which was
piloted in 3 months after receiving the
Customer’s request. As a result of the training,
all the developers have been approved by the
Bank to work on the new project.
One of the biggest
banks in the country

Territory is already

A space allowing you to study on the
basis of real cases while maintaining
the team’s performance
A space allowing you to study on the basis of real
cases while maintaining the team’s performance


Opportunity to train
a group of employees
Flexible system
of modifications
Modeling realistic cases
for training check-up
AI that can substitute
a live mentor
Nataly Maskova,
Valentina Tretyakova,
Product Owner
Helen Baluta,
Aleksey Portnyagin,
Automotive industry
Industrial sector
AI that can substitute
a live mentor
Modeling realistic cases
for training check-up
Flexible system
of modifications
Opportunity to train
a group of employees

Territory is already

One of the biggest banks in the country
An MVP has been developed, which was piloted
in 3 months after receiving the Customer’s request.
As a result of the training, all the developers have been
approved by the Bank to work on the new project.
Arrange a system of quick adaptation to the new complex IT landscape for developers, to ease their
entry into the new project.

Project team

These companies entrust
their business to us

Helen Baluta,
Valentina Tretyakova,
Product Owner
Nataly Maskova,
Aleksey Portnyagin,
Industrial sector

Create your
own Territory

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